
A Politicized Federal Government

Consider the tone that has been set by the person at the very top of the government the IRS serves. President Obama is the first president since Nixon to refer to political opponents as "enemies".

The Obama administration—the federal government, supported by tax dollars—was working as an extension of the Clinton campaign. The State Department coordinated with her staff in responding to the email scandal, and the Justice Department kept her team informed about developments in the court case. -Kimberley A. Strassel Go To Site

One of the articles of impeachment for Nixon would have been attempting to weaponize the IRS against his political enemies, something that Democrat Barack Obama actually achieved, while covering it up. -Rand Simberg Go To Site

On April 20, President Obama’s campaign named VanderSloot to the first presidential “enemies list” since the Nixon era. Eight private citizens were singled out for their donations to Romney. They committed no crimes, sought no attention, and yet they became the subject of Obama’s scorn.

  VanderSloot is now facing persecution from the federal government. Kimberly Strassel reveals in The Wall Street Journal that two federal agencies — the Internal Revenue Service and Labor Department — both launched investigations of VanderSloot after his name appeared on Obama’s enemies list. Go To Site

Democrat, Liberal, Government, Obama, Racism

Two well-placed whistleblowers have now testified before the Commission, with convincing detail, that there is a pervasive hostility to the race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws in the Civil Rights Division...

  Such a racial double standard in law enforcement would be at war with the very notion of a federal Civil Rights Division devoted to the equal protection of the laws. Yet, the Department of Justice is unquestionably hostile to any serious investigation of these allegations.

Democrat, Liberal, Election, Violence, Obama, Racism, Threats, Justice, Law

The Justice Department is ignoring civil rights cases that involve white victims and wrongly abandoned a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party last year, a top department official testified Friday. He called the department's conduct a "travesty of justice."

Democrat, Liberal, Government, Incompetence, Obama, Oops, Fascism, Justice, Law, Constitution

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday that the Justice Department is settling class action lawsuits brought by more than 400 conservative groups who said they were "improperly" delayed when seeking tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service.

  “The IRS’ use... of heightened scrutiny was wrong and should never have occurred," Sessions said. "It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions." ...

  At one point, President Obama addressed the issue, saying it was "outrageous" for the IRS to target groups based on political beliefs and those involved should be "held fully accountable." The proposed settlement, which provides no monetary relief, includes an acknowledgment by the IRS that its treatment of the applicants was "wrong."

"For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology,'' the court documents state.

Conservative Organization Targeted By Obama...

 True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht, were targeted by top federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA.

 Under the Obama Administration, those agencies launched 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries, persistently attacking the group.

 In 2013, True the Vote sued the IRS, seeking to prove that the IRS actions were unconstitutional. The court fees added up into the millions and virtually devastated the only conservative voters' rights organization in America.


Obama White House Targets Sharyl Attkisson

"I’m also calling Sharryl’s [sic] editor and reaching out to Scheiffer. She’s out of control." Schultz responded, "Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG."

Any good CEO will tell you that ethical meltdowns like the IRS political-targeting scandal are rarely the work of a few rogue employees. Such messes are the result of a toxic culture that has been allowed to fester.

  Consider the tone that has been set by the person at the very top of the government the IRS serves. President Obama is the first president since Nixon to refer to political opponents as "enemies," in October 2010, apologizing only after a week of intense criticism. Around the same time, he assailed conservative advocacy groups as a "threat to democracy." -Steven Law Go To Site