"We are the ones we've been waiting for." ...

  At its core, liberalism can be defined in gnostic terms as the human mind's idolizing of itself. In this sense, Obama's famous aphorism is spot on. The liberal mind really is what the liberal mind has been waiting for.

  What it seeks is not, however, goodness, or security, or higher living standards, or even better health care. What it seeks is the celebration of its own brilliance. "Smug" is a small word that perfectly captures the nature of the progressive mind.

-Jeffrey Folks Go To Site

It is the smug style's first premise: a politics defined by a command of the Correct Facts and signaled by an allegiance to the Correct Culture. A politics that is just the politics of smart people in command of Good Facts. A politics that insists it has no ideology at all, only facts. -Emmett Rensin Go To Site

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Smears, AntiAmerican, Elitism, Stereotyping

Americans tend to dislike the word "multilateralism" -- it has too many syllables and ends in an "ism." -Madeleine K. Albright

There’s “a bit of elitism that’s crept in” to party thinking.

The increasingly sneering attitude of coastal elites toward the more conservative interior, particularly for the poor communities there, is as undeniable as it is distasteful.

Liberals are so much better than the common folk...

"Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, and you never know what you'll find."

A Sense of Superiority by Denouncing Others

Liberal Demagogues.

Racism is not dead, but is on life support - kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as "racists." -Thomas Sowell

A Liberal Stereotypes West Virginians

Ignorant dickhead.

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

 2021: Virginia Girl Raped by a Boy Wearing a Skirt...

In Loudoun County, Virginia, the school board has been under fire for covering up the sexual assault of a female student by a gender-fluid male student. In May, the male student wore a skirt and followed the girl into the girls’ restroom, where the assault took place.

Detestable, arrogant prick.

"We don't have time to be wasted on these phony trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage, the right-wing media's pedals to juice their ratings."
-Barack Obama

Liberal View Of The Common Man

Liberal View Of The Common Man

Do they really hate ordinary people that much? Yes, they do. For liberals, the distinction between the "dumb masses" and their enlightened selves renders life meaningful. Disdain for ordinary folks is not just an ancillary trait of liberalism. It is fundamental to the its nature. -Jeffrey Folks

This is a constant condition for me: interacting with liberals and leftists who affect a stance of bored impatience, who insist that the answers to moral and political questions are so obvious that every reasonable person already agrees, who then lack the ability to explain the thinking underlying their answers to those questions in a remotely compelling way.

  Everything is obvious; all the hard work is done; only an idiot couldn’t see what the right thing to do is. And then you poke a little bit at the foundation and it just collapses.

  I suppose the condescension and the fragility are related conditions, the bluster a product of the insecurity at the heart of it all. You act like everything is obvious precisely because you can’t articulate your position. -Fredrik deBoer Go To Site