Strzok called Trump “an idiot” and opined Clinton “should win 100,000,000 – 0.” Strzok and Page also used expletives to describe Trump.

  Page also expressed disdain for Americans participating in the 2016 March for Life, writing that she “truly hate[s] these people.”

  Strzok called Virginians who apparently voted against FBI Deputy Director McCabe’s wife for a local Senate seat “ignorant hillbillys [sic].”

-Interim Senate report detailing texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Go To Site

Long before Hillary Clinton called millions of Americans a “basket of deplorables,” her top campaign advisers and liberal allies openly mocked Catholics, Southerners and a host of other groups, according to newly released emails that offer a stunning window into the vitriol inside the Clinton world... -Ben Wolfgang Go To Site

"We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great."

Liberal, Hate, Character, Academia, Tolerance, Trump

At a public event on “The Rule of Law in a Time of Polarization,” a Northeastern University professor told the audience that he “wouldn’t mind” seeing President Trump “dead.”...

  On Monday, Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs posted a video of the two-hour event to its YouTube page, near the end of which Bluestone shared his fantasy of seeing Donald Trump leave the presidency, either through impeachment or death.

  “This president that we have is really out of control…sometimes I want to just see him impeached,” Bluestone remarked. “Other times, quite honestly—I hope there are no FBI agents here—I wouldn’t mind seeing him dead. But, actually I don’t wa…”

Kuttner, seated to his left, quickly interjected, supplying the qualifier, “...of natural causes.”

Democrat, Liberal, Government, Incompetence, Obama, Funny, Oops, Socialism, Healthcare, Regulation

Bill Clinton criticized President Barack Obama's signature policy reform Monday while on the stump for his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, calling Obamacare "the craziest thing in the world."...

  "So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Clinton said.

Democrat, Liberal, Character, Funny, Oops

Secretly recorded audio of Clinton speaking at a private, February fundraiser was released late Friday night. In it, Clinton can be heard referring to Sanders’ “lost generation”, as she called them. “Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement,” she told her audience.

Liberal, Narrative, Oops, Economy

Brown, traveling to the state’s largest media market to sign the landmark bill, remained hesitant about the economic effect of raising the minimum wage, saying, "Economically, minimum wages may not make sense.... The measure will not come without a cost. According to the state Department of Finance, a $15 minimum would cost California about $4 billion a year.

Hate On CNN: It's Funny When

A Woman is Assaulted

"This is quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we've ever come across."

"Sit back and enjoy."

“We want to make it very much known that the young people who are causing the violence in our community are not terrorists.” ... “They are not urban terrorists, they are the products of bad urban policy.” -Detroit National Action Network Rev. Charles Williams Go To Site

Liberal, Character, Funny, Oops, Stereotyping, Ignorance

“People are really nice at Fox,” Powers revealed. “It’s been good for because I – before that, I lived in a real liberal bubble.” “All my friends were liberals and I grew up in a really liberal family,” she continued. “I had a lot of ideas about conservatives and then I got to Fox and just, I was like, ‘Oh, they’re not all evil and stupid.’

Former Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney

and Wife ABC Correspondent Claire Shipman:

Soviet Posters in Their Kitchen

But the Nazis exterminated 11 million innocents; the Communist death toll surpasses 100 million. Nazi power lasted from 1933 to 1945. The Communist nightmare began in November 1917, and continues to this day. -Jeff Jacoby

Liberal, Incompetence, Character, Funny, Brilliance, Socialism, Jobs

You know what else sucks? That capitalism forces us to take jobs we don’t like or don’t want to do. Capitalism says “take whatever job is offered to you and be grateful you have a job!” Even if it’s a job that overworks you and is soul-crushing, physically painful, mind-numbing and unfulfilling. Capitalism doesn’t care what you are passionate about, what makes you happy, or ignites your inner spirit. -Tina Philips

Made Unhappy By The Vision of God...

At Duke, funding for Catholic Center's lecture from visiting scholar falls through on grounds that its title could "trigger" LGBT students.

The title? "Only The Vision Of God Can Make Someone Happy"

FBI Attorney Lisa Page "Truly Hates" Pro-Lifers...

"I truly hate these people. No support for the woman who actually has to spend the rest of her life rearing this child, but we care about 'life.' Assholes."

"I'm a journalist - but the Left as a rule does not want to hear thoughtful disagreement."

What Liberal Democrats Really Think of the American People...

Obamacare Architect:

Professor Jonathan Gruber

You were too stupid to not keep you mouth shut, Gruber

Mr. Gruber calls himself a “card-carrying Democrat.” He and his wife host a “great quadrennial Democratic victory party” whether or not the Democratic candidate wins, he said.

Democrat, Liberal, Brilliance, Oops, Smears, AntiAmerican

“Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush.

Liberal, Hate, Guns, Obama, Character, AntiAmerican, Immigration, Elitism, Religion, Stereotyping

"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

They're Minorities, But They Do A Great Job...

"Our state director is Indian American, but he does an amazing job. Our director of all constituent services she's African American, but she does an even more incredible job than you could ever imagine."

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man."

Democrat, Mugged by Reality...

"I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this. I thought the right did that. I thought we were better."

“To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” Clinton said, according to CNN. “Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.”
Go To Site

The Clinton clan has once again demonstrated its utter contempt for average everyday Americans. Hillary Clinton infamously said that half of Trump’s supporters are a “deplorable” group of hateful bigots, and now her husband Bill Clinton has said that Trump supporters are “standard rednecks.” -Edmund Kozak Go To Site